Monday, 16 March 2009

the age we live in is so dark.... we need to see it and pursue the Lord together with those....

I don't try to be sarcastic or to bring everyone to what was 20yrs ago, because each age has its own problems, but I simply noticed what this age does to us, and especially to the young generation, and the way it defiles us.... and I simply cannot believe it! That's why I pray that the Lord would give us a strong vision of the age and a strong determination and desire to be the overcomers standing with Him against the tide of this age! Some of the things I observed....
  • the access to information/the media publications available for everyone, especially the free newspapers, stuffed with poisoning things like:
    - the articles about the crimes and bad things that take place - this simply affects us all, and puts in us not just the information about these things, but even more: it makes us think that these things are "normal", "simply happening"...
    - the adds and the language is so dirty, inciting not to good things but to either sensuality or lust...
  • the movies - everyone has access to downloading movies(either the movies played in the cinema, or even the 18+ ones), and for this very thing many of "us", the older generation, have fought so much - "access to information, download movies"; yet the effect of the Hollywood movies on the younger ones is different than that on us... - I realize more and more that there should be a strong protection for the younger generation;
  • The adds on the street - the adverts, starting from the lingerie - underwear adds, to the random ones where people - either men or women - are more or less naked(and these adds are so many!) - this simply disgusts me, and should disgust every moral normal human being! Why? Have we already become people led by the lust of their body so that we do not care where when who, we simply want it?
  • the language used on the streets, in the family life, among people - "cool" and "tough" language - though we may just "talk" this way to "be just like our friends", yet this language, which is dirty, hateful, sarcastic, and vulgar - constitutes us and even becomes us! And if there is one person that is "going down" by his language, everyone else goes down with him - everyone is affected in a negative way....
    * Even the language used on facebook/myspace/online networks we belong to/chatting online - is simply degraded and degrading! Sooner or later we'll realize that this kind of chat/language, though "satisfying and cool" for the moment, influences in a negative way the way we live our life and make our decisions, even shape our future....
  • The TV/Media/Music industry..... I'm not too much into this(because I simply want to protect and safeguard my being against the dirt....), but the language used and the things they encourage you to do is illustrated in the attitude of many of the young people today, which is outrageous!
And the main point about all these thing(and many others we see happening every day/we are involved in) is that WE DO NOT SEE THAT IT IS EVIL! Most of the people today are simply "drugged", befuddled, going along with what is going on, advancing in doing /speaking / promoting evil...
Is there a way to cure the society/media/trend of the age? NO WAY! And most of us are not called to do this. What we can do is at least to expose it, and warn one another concerning what is going on, and then.... stick together to those that pursue the Lord.... that really love Him.... and you know what? Your taste will change! Imagine not having a taste for what the world hast to offer you! That can happen by "eating" something better: something of Christ, the Bible, spiritual food.... Lord, do have mercy on us, that we may see what is going on and be one with You for what You want to do! Keep me with the ones that love You and Pursue You!

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